Diocesan FAQs

If your question isn't listed below, please don't hesitate to contact Clearly Simpler.

How do we get started with Safeguarding Hubs?

Read our step-by-step guide to rolling out the hubs to parishes in your diocese.

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How do I invite someone to be a Hub Owner?

Read our step-by-step guide to two different methods for inviting people to own their Safeguarding Hub.

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What data can be accessed by the diocese?

A brief summary of the parish data available to dioceses, both now and in the future.

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How does a parish move to Stage 2?

When a parish moves to Stage 2, they can create Role Descriptions and Person Specifications.

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How does a parish move to Stage 3?

When a parish moves to Stage 3, they can use the Recruitment Tracker.

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What is the Hub User Group?

Find out the purpose of the Hub User Group, and who can join it.

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Why does a parish need a Service Agreement?

The use of a Safeguarding Hub is conditional upon the parish accepting our Service Agreement. This includes a Data Processing Addendum that is required by the UK GDPR.

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