Safeguarding Hubs are provided by Clearly Simpler to make safeguarding simpler.
A PCC can choose to use their Safeguarding Hub to help them fulfil their legal obligation to comply with the Church of England's safeguarding requirements,
If so, the PCC is the data controller and Clearly Simpler is the data processor.
According the the GDPR, there must be a legally binding agreement between a data controller and a data processor.
Where can I find the terms of the agreement?
A Data Processing Addendum will form part of a Service Agreement between the PCC and Clearly Simpler.
How will Clearly Simpler be legally bound by these terms?
Your Diocesan Board of Finance is paying the license fee for Safeguarding Hubs.
This Data Processing Addendum will be part of a legally-binding contract between Clearly Simpler and your Diocesan Board of Finance.
Related pages
- Summary of the GDPR requirements
- What is the lawful basis for processing personal data?
- Does a PCC need a Data Privacy Notice?
- Does a PCC need a Data Processing Agreement?